Title: C Programming 2007 Author:
Tim Heagarty SKU: 33775 ISBN: 1-933736-90-9 Release Date:
2007-06-22 Price: Single User: US$ 99.95 Duration: 9 hrs / 117
lessons Compatibility: Win Vista, XP, 2000, 98SE, Mac OS X, OS 9,
Linux Work Files: Yes
The C Programming Language is the foundation
of nearly all modern computer languages. C is a “low level” simple language that
can be used to create the most elegant of applications and operating systems.
Most of today’s commercial applications and operating systems have the C
language at their core. VTC author Tim Heagarty explains the history and
mechanics of the language and gives practical advice on its use in the
commercial world.
* Never has it been so easy to learn C Programming
2007. * No expensive classroom training courses. * No boring hard to
follow books to read. * Learn from your own desk at a pace that suits
you. * High quality affordable training that is easy to use and follow. *
Use our unique training method, it makes learning easy no matter what your
learning style.